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Compilation and linking


The _C++ utility from Julian Smith's Makatic project management package is a wrapper for c++ that fixes a couple of bugs in Acorn's compiler: _C++ works by calling c++ and then moving the resulting .o file and correcting any !Depend file to contain the correct .o filename.

Using _C++ is simply a matter of prefixing all calls to c++ with "_C++ " (leaving the "c++ " at the start). This is likely to increase the memory requirements slightly, so it may be necessary to increase the size of the Wimpslot if problems are encountered. It may also be necessary to create an empty .o directory for the incorrectly named output files.

For compatibility with the full Makatic package it is recommended that _C++ should be kept in its Makatic directory, and run as Makatic._C++.

Note that the _C++ utility is no longer required with version 3.13 of C++.

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