XML RISC OS Rollover 

XmlEd (version libairie Expat2) | SVG2Draw | Innovate 

XML Editor

Version Française 
XmlEd V2.00, est un simple lecteur/éditeur de fichier XML, utilisant Expat2 comme parser XML et Treeview et Tab pour la présentation et l'édition de fichiers XML. On peu explorer des fichiers contenant de la musique (Musescore) , SVG , simple base de données, document office, ressources applis Android, arbre généalogique, suivi de développement pour application Risc OS...voir les exemples.  

La version actuelle est encore à l'état de protoype, sans trop de but précis.

 English version
XmlEd V2.00, is a simple XML file reader / editor, using Expat2 as an XML parser, Treeview and Tab for the presentation and editing of XML files. We can explore files containing music (Musescore), SVG, simple database, document office, resources Android apps, family tree, development tracking for Risc OS application ... see examples.

The current version is still in prototype form, without too many specific goals. Download 

There is a Help file in French, but not very clear!

Short manual:

 Command buttons: Extend the root, compress all, extend all, XML output.
The XML output button is used to build an xml file from editor tab. Then the Output tab is selected an xml text is buid. You can edit it "by hand" and save it. Saving in XML is done after pressing XmlOut button.

In the editor tab you can only select in the left treeview. The one on the right must follow.
To edit, it's RISC OS, select, adjust menu + shift click and ctrl click . To experiment....

An example from an xml file Employees

Edit window example

SVG to Draw 

 Version Française Tentative de décodage de fichier SVG vers un fichier Draw.

  Le programme ne connaît pas toute la norme SVG ( https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/SVG  )
Le programme utilise !Mkdrawf ( Mac Gaughan) pour afficher le dessin SVG . celui-ci interprète le script qui se trouve dans l'application.
!Mkdrawf est inclus dans la distribution ainsi que des exemples certains empruntés à Clive Semmens.
Le décodage XML est réalisé avec le module eXML de XAT: http://www.xat.nl/riscos/sw/xml/index.htm 

 English version Attempt to decode SVG file to Draw file

The program does not know the whole SVG standard (https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/SVG)
The program uses !Mkdrawf (Mac Gaughan) to display the SVG drawing. this one interprets the script which is in the application.
!Mkdrawf is included in the distribution along with examples some borrowed from Clive Semmens.
XML parsing is done with XAT's eXML module: http://www.xat.nl/riscos/sw/xml/index.htm 
The application is developed in C++ (CFront + Cathlibcpp). The documentation  concerning the classes, their attributes and methods:

 SVG to Draw (version 0.5) : download 
SVG to Draw (version 0.70) : download
Examples SVG :

Specialized version for decoding svg files containing equations
 example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_equations_in_gravitation 
Netsurf does not display them nor !Iris.
In !NetSurf they are identified using the menu button, when it validates the object item and allows you to save an svg file.
 (It's easier when there is a fraction bar.)
Save the svg file, then drag&drop it onto the !Svg2Draw application icon. which gives a display of the equation.
version 0.085 : download 


It's not XML, it's a Basic program (AcornUser) which allows you to create a text file in tree form: Download 

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