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Miles Sabin
developed CathLibCPP and generously released it for free use.
Tony Houghton
did much of the work of preparing CathLibCPP for release, including conversion of Miles's original documentation to HTML format.
Alexander Thoukydides
completed the task of preparing CathLibCPP for release, including updating the documentation and correcting a few bugs.
David Daniels
wrote the superb Drlink linker.
Julian Smith
wrote the _C++ utility used to overcome problems with CFront.
Mark Seaborn
wrote the MaskThrow module used to suppress annoying compiler warnings, and also wrote the original program on which _C++ is based.
The C Acorn User Group organisers
provided web space for the CathLibCPP distribution, and have kindly allowed non-members to subsribe to their mailing list.

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